Welcome to Africa's New Development Advocacy Stragtegy Concept Advisory

…a society memory of events and issues that needs redress in Africa


Welcome to an ANDAS Information Processing Committee. We are glad you are here and would like to thank you for volunteering your time to support the work of ANDAS and its mission to champion the economic development profession. ANDAS values your commitment and the economic development community relies on your expertise and engagement in this important committee work. 

We hope that you will gain from the experience as much as you contribute to it. The Information Processing Committee are an excellent place to network with your peers, engage with the challenges of strengthening our shared quest and professions, and learn about trends and topics that will impact the how we live in Africa our only home. 


The Africa’s New Development Advocacy Strategy Concept (ANDAS) is a Voluntary Association, nonprofit organization dedicated to helping African People build institutions that process questions they raise, question that affect their lives all over the world.  Africans are not respected in Africa and even Abroad, every day we see that African lives do not matter and it raises questions.

ANDAS concept will create platforms and an organized way of dealing with problems that affect our day to day lives. When we succeed, our members would have created more effective ways of understanding problems, process and provide solutions, and at the same time develop more vibrant communities, and generally improve the quality of life, and protect Africa from espionage, economic sabotage, foreign occupation, exploitation of our resources, abuse of our people world over and build 1 state of Africa.

Core Services include:

  • Professional Development including four conferences annually, training courses, networking, webinars, an awards program that unifies and sets the standard of excellence for all the disciplines within our institution.
  • Advisory Services and Research, which provides a wealth of knowledge through reports, white papers, handbooks and technical assistance to support economic development in communities of all sizes.
  • In-depth analysis in the premiere publication of the discipline – Economic Development Journal – and a bi-monthly survey of economic development news and updates in the Economic Development Now e-newsletter
  • Legislative Affairs which monitors continental activity impacting the field of economic development and engages our membership in policy advocacy activities
  • The Economic Development  program which provides organizations with independent feedback on their operations and recognizes excellence in local economic development efforts.


Our mission is to see:-

  1. 1 state of Africa,
  2. A safer Africa
  3. A healthier Africa
  4. Africa’s with an uncompromised education systems that answers our needs
  5. An independent Africa free from outside interference
  6. Free from induced poverty
  7. Free from induced debts that leads to exploitation of our resources, and occupation of our continent
  8. A respected African, and a more progressive and intelligent African
  9. An African defined by African values not foreign

Core Values 

We embrace the following core values.  They reflect and support our mission, and guide our decisions, actions and provision of services:

  • Social responsibility, inclusivity and a dedication to building healthy, just and competitive communities
  • Creation of wealth for individuals, businesses, and communities
  • Advancement of both the economic development of African State, professional cooperation and collaboration
  • Diversity, tolerance, equity


A series of objectives for ANDAS are set out in the Constitution that include the following:  

  1. ANDAS’s long-term effectiveness and growth in a changing, challenging environment depend on the high-impact leadership of the Executive Committee that continuously answers three critical questions:
      • Where should ANDAS be headed, and what should it become, over the long-term?
      • What should ANDAS be now and in the short-term?
      • How is ANDAS performing as a nonprofit association, both financially and programmatically?
  1. Develop policies to advance the African Society on problem solving, economic development and serve as a clearinghouse for information on social, economic problems and solutions.
  1. Foster the exchange of ideas and education experiences and offer persons engaged in developing local, regional, state and provincial economies an opportunity for intellectual stimulation and fellowship with their colleagues.
  1. Enhance the career growth of professionals employed in the field of economic development and upgrade the professional standards of officials actively involved in economic development.
  1. Provide local economic development insights for continental, federal, state, provincial and local officials.
  1. Share tested techniques in stimulating problem identification, solving and finding solutions.
  1. Undertake and support original research and identify and make maximum use of original and existing research in solving Africa’s problems of communities and enhancing the meaningful involvement in finding solutions to problems that affect the continent’s development.
  2. Cooperate with other organizations and agencies with kindred goals.
  1. Encourage and guide universities in developing specialized courses and programs on the study of Africa’s various problems and solutions.
  1. Publicize the activities and reports of the Committee and other groups engaged in improving the image of the communities in various countries in Africa.
  1. Develop accurate facts and statistical data showing that distressed African citizens are as good as non-distressed citizens in different countries, and that are treated as equal be in Africa or Abroad.
  1. Establish a sound philosophy on community growth and its relationship to metropolitan, county, regional, state, provincial and national economic growth.
  1. Incorporate an international focus into professional standards, techniques and solutions, and provide a forum for the dissemination of information among practitioners from different countries.

Organizational Structure Organogram

African Citizens – General Membership

Working Framework

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